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Title: Theories of programming and formal methods /
Authors: Liu, Zhiming
Woodcock, Jim
Zhu, Huibiao
Keywords: Computer programming.
Formal methods (Computer science)
Software engineering.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht
Description: Set-theoretic models of computations -- Model-based mutation testing of reactive systems : from semantics to automated test-case generation -- Pliant modalities in hybrid event-B -- A relational approach to an algebraic community : from Paul Erdős to He Jifeng -- Practical theory extension in event-B -- Simulink timed models for program verification -- Concept analysis based approach to statistical web testing -- Algebraic program semantics for supercomputing -- Modeling and specification of real-time interfaces with UTP -- Some fixed-point issues in PPTL -- The value-passing calculus -- Proving safety of traffic manoeuvres on country roads -- Generic models of the laws of programming -- Ours is to reason why -- Optimal bounds for multiweighted and parametrised energy games -- On the relationship between LTL normal forms and Büchi automata -- Managing environment and adaptation risks for the internetware paradigm -- Safety versus security in the quality calculus -- Invariants synthesis over a combined domain for automated program verification -- Slow abstraction via priority -- Performance estimation using symbolic data -- Synthesizing switching controllers for hybrid systems by generating invariants -- Graph-based object-oriented Hoare logic -- Towards a modeling language for cyber-physical systems.
Appears in Collections:Information Technology

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